
Dear people, bots anyone who’ll visit this page.

I’ll try my best to provide you with an interesting insight in the things I love or work with. I’m educated as an fine artist, worked on process orientated projects, which deal with questions of class, migration, urban – rural conflict zones, participation, networking ect… really no bullshit bingo; here a small selection:

SLUM-TV Kenya, Under the Bridge Belgrade, BOEM* Vienna, Serious Pop – strategies on aehstetical appropriation in South Eastern Europe revisited, Hor 29. November ( was Founder, Initiator of all above mentioned projects) .

Right now, I’m working with BOEM*, an former migrant owned bar and construction company, located in the not so beautiful part of Vienna’s 16th district, with two friends of mine, on the edges of art, culture, politics and emancipatory inclusive practices. In a way how to intervene, stay productive inside an alienating difficult terrain, where terms, things like collaboration seam so highly problematic. In other words, collaboration is just possible within the same class, where everybody can say NO.

That was for sure the first lesson learned when I was working in the Mathare Slum in Nairobi, where first I thought it might be possible to start a community TV project with slum dwellers. Soon I’ve figured, where economical pressure is so hard, nobody can effort to say no, if a wealthy european shows up and offers something like knowledge and equipment in order to start such a project. Anyhow, I think I made a point, this is probably already to much for a small about page, but it points on the direction of my motivation. Yeah, usually I don’t write in english, so this blog will be using all the different languages I do speak.

feel free to get in touch.

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