Malcolm X-tra Small, Excessive? Extra Terrestrial? What the heck?
Actually, I’ll start this new new blog of mine, today. I’m writing from Vienna, Austria. From the heart of the european bible belt. The first dilemma I face is the one, which language should I use? I had few years of english in school, used to write grant applications and to work in english speaking countries, but still I feel very limited in order to express all the things I need or want to say. My primary languages are due to funny circumstances german and : serbian, croatian, montenegrinian, bosnian … did I forget some of the south-slavic languages that came out of serbo-croatian? I hope not, and as I try to respect some people, I’ll say I do speak B/C/S, which stands for bosnian, croatian and serbian.
As you might be able to detect, I’m a bit confused about the use of language, and if you know my artistic and activist work, and ever tried to follow my old homepage, eroticunion, it was always written multi-lingual. I was involved in many projects, me as an offer, a stimulation of a kind of eroticized variation of a theme of unification. An over identification with the european peace project, EU. In my eyes the noble committee probably just overseen that there are European troops located in countries like Afghanistan, Somalia, … straight: that EU is involved in actions, which in my eyes do not deserve to be honored.
My own EU, was involved in activities like SLUM-TV Kenya, Under the Bridge Beograd, Serious Pop – strategies of aesthetical appropriation in south east europe- revisited, BOEM*, Hor 29. Novembar and many others… You can easily find, something on the net, … or even imagine use the comment function in order to ask, comment or as well criticize me, my work, my perspectives.
Later, I’ll write as well about that different experiences I made in the last decade, where I was somehow the CEO of my own Union. Maybe, that kind of union i had, was as well read somehow andolescent, pre-mature somehow non-grown up. That andolescent position, shit the auto correction always underlines my mistakes, which drives me mad, I hope you can understand what I’m writing, and yeah… sorry this first entry is already longer than expected, so don’t hesitate to correct, ask what I mean, If you care, and now i return: this andolescent position, the kid which isn’t allowed to speak, is exactly the position I like, support and one starting point of this blog. This kid, is as well the position of the migrant, who in EU is often not entitled to vote, to participate, or often even banned from any form of representation, articulation and totally illegal.
In the last decade, I worked in different countries, communities, from Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, lectured in different institutions worldwide, with various projects, my goal is now, to start connecting all that different experiences and somehow to write in-between that different classes, cultures, camps, and I’m not sure if I’ll manage it. But I’ll give it a try. I hope you’ll find time to read and join in with comments, hints, suggestions and maybe offer’s to cooperate, collaborate or dance with each other. If not, I don’t mind.
cheers for now,